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11.16.2015 Risk-Adjusted Measures There are duplicate diagnosis codes in the following tables used for risk adjustment: PCR-DischCC and CC-Comorbid. Is this correct?

Yes. The risk adjustment measures are based on the CMS Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCC) risk-adjustment methodology. The updates made to the model, combined with the addition of ICD-10 diagnosis codes, changed the way clinical conditions (CCs) are assigned. When there is a duplicate diagnosis code, it is assigned to multiple CCs. For example, ICD-10 diagnosis code I132 should be mapped to both CC-85 and CC-136. Therefore, CC-85 and CC-136 should both be used towards calculating comorbid weight. In addition, for the Plan All-Cause Readmissions measure, it is possible for members to have more than one discharge CC if the primary discharge diagnosis is assigned multiple CCs.

ALL 2016