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12.09.2016 VBP4P Value Set Directory It appears that the Value Based P4P Value Set Directory (VSD) released on December 1, 2016, is missing the leading zeros for ICD-9 codes in a multiple value sets. For example, 079.4 is showing as 79.4 and 042 is showing as 42. Is there a version of the VBP4P Value Set Directory that includes the correct codes?

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, select codes within the December 1 version of the Value Set Directory file contained errors; leading and trailing zeros were unintentionally dropped from ICD-9 and Uniform Bill Codes.


NCQA has corrected this issue and updated the impacted files in the Download Center site as of 12.08.16. To obtain the updated versions, log into Download Center with your NCQA login credentials (email address) and re-download the MY 2016 Value Based P4P Manual and Value Set Directories zip file. The updated files inside will reflect the date of 12.08.16 in the file name.


We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion caused by this error.

ALL 2016