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12.15.2017 Reporting Requirements Last year, NCQA added the IS 3.1 standard in the Roadmap, stipulating that if a facility is mapped to a provider type, all providers at the facility must be of that provider type. Clarify this standard and whether a majority-mapping should be allowed this year. If so, at what level should it be enforced? Should a percentage of providers on the facility roster be of the mapped type, or is it preferable to review for whether a certain percentage of sampled services on claims be those typically received with the provider type? Should all mapped facilities be investigated individually, or is it acceptable to review the two or three with the highest volume?

For HEDIS reporting, NCQA does not allow blanket mapping a facility to a provider type, unless all providers who render services at the facility meet requirements for the provider type.

For HEDIS measures with a provider-type requirement, the information must be present for the service to be counted. For a facility to be mapped to a PCP (or another provider type) the organization must provide evidence that everyone at the facility meets the provider type requirement.

NCQA does not have an acceptable threshold allowance for auditors to audit against. Each facility must be reviewed individually. The auditor determines the impact of each facility's data on measures that require a particular provider type. From there, the auditor must review, with a level of certainty, who practices at the facility, the services they are contracted to perform and the potential impact to measures if an unacceptable provider renders a service that might count for a measure.

ALL 2018