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3.21.2018 VBP4P/ACO- Clinical Measure Data File Layouts In the MY 2017 PO and HP clinical measure data file layouts, the Cervical Cancer Screening (CCS) measure ID on tab (4) Clin Meas ID Table includes the following edit check:

Denominator for CCS must be equal to or less than CCO denominator.

Because there are different exclusions for the CCS and CCO measures, however, the denominators across the two measures may not match and the edit check would fail. The CCO measure includes additional required exclusions, which means that the CCS denominator would either be equal to or greater than (not less than) the CCO denominator.

We agree that the edit check in the data file layout may not be true. For MY 2017, the edit check should state:

Denominator for CCS must be equal to or greater  than CCO denominator. 

Submissions that do not follow the corrected edit check will result in file rejection. VBP4P staff will make this correction and release a new version of the affected files on iha.org.

ALL 2017