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12.14.2018 SES Guidelines* To calculate a member’s SES stratification, the instructions say to use the Monthly Membership Detail Data Files (MMDDF) for the measurement year to assess the member’s LIS, DE payment status. We find that in some months, members have multiple rows of data in the MMDDF, which represent adjustments for previous months. What should we do in this situation; is there a better file to use for determining SES?

Because the SES assessment is new and requires files not normally used for NCQA’s measure calculations, we have explored options for reporting members with these scenarios, and we think there are options for these data.
NOTE: NCQA’s Certification program tests one record per member based on the MMDDF.

  • Option 1: If you are using MMDDF and one month has multiple rows for a member with different values in one row or more, sum the values and use the result to compare to the other 3 months. Remember that what is important is whether the number is > 0 or it is < or = 0. See this example:


12018 10 120000.00
12018 10 120035.50
12018 11 080035.50
12018 11 08-0035.50
12018 11 080035.50
12018 12 080035.50

This member is counted as LIS eligible: the sum of October = 35.50, the sum of November = 35.5, and December = 35.50 (all months are >0).

12016 09 012016 12 3110036.002016
12017 01 012017 12 3110036.002017
12018 01 01 10035.502018

This file clearly shows that the member was LIS eligible for the HEDIS 2019 measurement year (calendar year 2018). If you have access to this file, it may be the easiest, most accurate data to use.

  1. If the LowIncomePeriodEndDate is blank, the member is still eligible.
  2. Plans should use a copy of this file from December 2018 or later.

*This same FAQ was posted on November 15, 2018 but was updated in the December 2018 FAQ posting. In the above “NOTES” section, it used to read that plans should use a copy of the file from January 2019 or later. This date was corrected to December 2018 or later.

ALL 2019