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1.15.2019 Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity for Children/Adolescents (WCC) There was a change to the ICD-10 coding guidelines, effective October 1, 2018, related to the codes for reporting body mass index (BMI). The change allows providers to bill for BMI codes only if the member has a clinically relevant condition, such as obesity. How does this change affect reporting the BMI percentile documentation indicator of the WCC measure?

The ICD-10 coding change affects only the administrative-reporting method. Following the new guidelines, a provider would submit a claim with a BMI percentile code only when there is an associated diagnosis (e.g., overweight, obesity) that meets the new requirements.  “Healthy weight” is not considered an associated diagnosis. As a result, members in the denominator, whose only visit is in October, November, or December of 2018, without an appropriate ICD-10 code, due to the lack of an associated diagnosis, will not have claims that meet the current numerator criteria.

NCQA’s analysis shows that, because this measure is reported primarily through the hybrid-reporting option, the effect will be small. This change does not affect organizations using the hybrid method, because the rule pertains to only the use of ICD-10 codes on claims. It does not prohibit providers from measuring and documenting a BMI in the medical record.

ALL 2019