The discharge date from the index hospital stay should be used for reporting. The PCR measure assesses the number of acute inpatient and observation stays during the measurement year that were followed by an unplanned acute readmission. SNFs are considered to be nonacute inpatient settings. Therefore, when a member is transferred from an acute inpatient setting to a SNF, only the acute inpatient stay is assessed for reporting.
For example, a member has an acute inpatient stay February 1 – 5 and was discharged to a SNF February 6 – 9 and then transferred back to acute inpatient care February 10 – 14. There are two acute inpatient stays which are assessed for the PCR measure and count as two index hospital stays for the denominator (Stay 1 is February 1 – 5, Stay 2 is February 10 – 14), provided they meet all other measure criteria. Stay 2 is a readmission for Stay 1, provided it meets all numerator criteria because it occurs within 30 days of the discharge date for Stay 1. Stay 1 counts as an index hospital stay discharged to a SNF.
ALL 2020