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7.27.2023 Cervical Cancer Screening (CCS) In HEDIS MY 2023, the CCS exclusion for hysterectomy with no residual cervix, cervical agenesis or acquired absence of cervix is now a required exclusion. Does documentation of a hysterectomy in combination with documentation that the patient no longer needs Pap testing/cervical cancer screening sufficient to meet criteria as a required exclusion for HEDIS MY 2023 reporting?

No. Members with documentation of “hysterectomy” and documentation indicating that they no longer need Pap testing/cervical cancer screening must remain in the measure for MY 2023 reporting. Members with documentation of a “vaginal pap smear” and documentation of “hysterectomy” must also remain in the measure for HEDIS MY 2023 reporting. This is because the documentation must match the clinical specificity of the codes in the value sets and there are no codes that are clinically synonymous with these examples.
There must be evidence of a hysterectomy with no residual cervix, cervical agenesis or acquired absence of cervix in order to meet required exclusion criteria for MY 2023 reporting.
Documented “vaginal hysterectomy” or “complete/total/radical hysterectomy” that matches a definition in applicable value sets may be used to meet criteria, subject to auditor approval.

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