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5.15.2024 Direct Reference Codes Why are some codes included in the measure specification and not included in a value set?

When only a single code exists for a service or condition, it is included directly in the measure specification, and referred to as a Direct Reference Code (DRC). It is a best practice to not create value sets that include only a single code; some code systems prohibit this because it results in assigning another code (an OID) to a concept that already has a code.
DRCs are listed in the measure specifications and in a Direct Reference Codes spreadsheet in the value set directory.
For MY 2024, a number of single code value sets were converted to DRCs. The Summary of Changes – Value Sets spreadsheet indicates the value set was deleted. The Summary of Changes – Codes spreadsheet indicates the code was added as a DRC (filter Column A on “Direct Reference Code”).

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