FAQ Directory: HEDIS for the Quality Rating System

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5.15.2024 Direct reference code 76689-9 for Cervical Cancer Screening (CCS) LOINC code 76689-9 is included in the CCS measure specification but was deleted from CCS in the Value Set Directory (VSD). Please clarify if the code should be used when reporting Cervical Cancer Screening for MY 2024.

Yes, as described in the Required exclusions section of the CCS measure, use LOINC code 76689-9 to exclude members with a sex assigned at birth of male any time in the patient’s history. The code was mistakenly removed from the CCS measure in the 4-1-2024 release of the VSD (Direct Reference Code spreadsheet). Because the information needed for reporting is in the measure specification NCQA does not intend to reissue the VSD.