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2.15.2022 Cervical Cancer Screening (CCS) For cervical cancer screening, should we exclude transgender women (male to female, never had a cervix)?

Administrative data, codes in the Absence of Cervix Diagnosis Value Set (e.g., ICD-10-CM Diagnosis code Q51.5 [agenesis and aplasia of cervix]) may be used to exclude transgender members from the measure. If the medical record documents that the member was born male (e.g., transgender male to female), this is evidence that the member does not have a cervix, meets optional exclusion criteria and may be removed from the measure. Medical record documentation of cervical agenesis or clinical synonyms (e.g., evidence a patient was born without a cervix) may also be used to exclude these members. These members should remain in the measure if the organization is unable to find the appropriate documentation.