
Gender, Lawyers and the Law

In the second episode of a two-part series titled, 'In Data We Trust,' LGBTQ advocates discuss why sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) data matter and what happens when governments misuse SOGI data. Quality implications extend far beyond LGBTQ communities.

About The Guests

Kellen E. Baker
Executive Director, Whitman-Walker Institute

Kellan Baker is a health services researcher and health policy expert with extensive background in health reform and the Affordable Care Act, regulatory policy, public health, and government statistics. Experienced in developing and analyzing health policy, synthesizing and communicating evidence, leading diverse coalitions, and working with government, philanthropy, and other partners to achieve health policy objectives. Passionate about health equity, LGBTQ health, disability rights, and racial and reproductive justice.

Carl Streed Jr , MD, MPH, FACP, FAHA
Associate Professor at the Boston University Chobanian and Avedisian School of Medicine, Research Lead for the GenderCare Center at Boston Medical Center

Dr. Carl Streed, Jr. works to achieve equity in healthcare access, health and community well-being by incorporating principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility into his work as a clinician-investigator. His personal and professional pursuit for a more equitable and inclusive society is focused on elevating voices often ignored and redistributing power. Dr. Streed’s efforts to improve the health and well-being of sexual and gender minority individuals and communities have earned him several awards, notably from the University of Chicago and Johns Hopkins University Alumni Associations, and the American Medical Association Foundation (twice).

Episode Description

Data on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) are important demographic information that can improve care—when used properly.

But when government officials intentionally misuse SOGI data, problems of access and quality cascade. Vital trust erodes.

Find out why SOGI data are (and are not) special, why or when officials ignore HIPAA protections of SOGI data, and what happens when SOGI data become a political football.

These are intimate areas of people’s lives that we’re dealing with in healthcare, and HIPAA was enacted to protect that information from exploitation and misuse.

So it’s incredibly sad to see state actors intentionally misusing the law to take personal health information from patients, from families, from healthcare institutions, not just that incredible intrusion into the provider-patient relationship, but then also to press charges against healthcare providers for providing medical care in accordance with their training and expertise.

It’s an incredible violation of HIPAA and something that should concern all of us regardless of whether we’re transgender or we provide care to transgender people.

Kellen E. Baker



(03:17) What’s special (or not) about SOGI data
(07:42) Misuses of SOGI data
(10:54) The crux of the issue: Trust
(13:04) What excites, worries our guests
(14:53) Smart collection and use of SOGI data


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