Getting Clear About Behavioral Health
December 5, 2024 |19:21
Julie Seibert, PhD
Assistant Vice President for Behavioral Health, NCQA
Thomas Tsang, MD, MPH
Founding CEO and current Chief Strategy Officer, Valera Health
Behavioral health is a big topic with many implications for quality. But how should people who care about quality think about behavioral health? In this conversation, we clarify key factors and challenges.
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Gender, Lawyers and the Law
July 25, 2024 |17:35
Kellen E. Baker
Executive Director, Whitman-Walker Institute
Carl Streed Jr , MD, MPH, FACP, FAHA
Associate Professor at the Boston University Chobanian and Avedisian School of Medicine, Research Lead for the GenderCare Center at Boston Medical Center
In the second episode of a two-part series titled, 'In Data We Trust,' LGBTQ advocates discuss why sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) data matter and what happens when governments misuse SOGI data. Quality implications extend far beyond LGBTQ communities.
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One State’s Billion-Dollar Bet on Better Behavioral Healthcare
June 27, 2024 |24:00
Kody Kinsley
Secretary, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Join us for an insightful conversation with North Carolina Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kody Kinsley, as he shares how growing up without health insurance influences his drive to improve health care access and affordability in his home state.
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