NCQA does not specify a minimum number of same-day appointments per day for practices, and not all clinicians must offer same-day appointments.
PCMH 2017
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No. Walk-in appointments are different from scheduled same-day appointments. Same-day appointments offer patients the opportunity to schedule a routine or urgent visit at a specific time to enable more patient-centered and convenient access; this prevents the need to wait for the next available clinician at the clinic.
PCMH 2017
Yes. Practices may use nonphysician members of the clinical care team, such as nurse practitioners or physician assistants (PA) who have their own panel of patients, for same-day appointments. There is no requirement for all clinicians to have same-day appointment slots available every day.
PCMH 2017
Yes. Practices may refer patients to associated urgent care sites or facilities (i.e., facilities with which the practice has a relationship or an agreement to work together) to meet AC 03, but must provide a documented process demonstrating how patients are referred to facilities for scheduled routine and urgent appointments. The facility must have access to patient medical records outside regular business hours.
PCMH 2017
The intent of AC 01 is to assess the access needs and preferences of the practice’s patient population. To identify the best way to obtain this information, practices may need to review how they are currently collecting patient feedback on access needs. For example, a patient survey may ask patients if they are able to get an appointment when needed; however, that question doesn't tell you when patients want to access the practice. The practice may be offering access when the majority of patients don't or aren't able to utilize it.
Practices should collect and assess the feedback from patients to see if there's a need to adjust the access provided to patients. Some questions to   consider include:
PCMH 2017
No. Tobacco use is an unhealthy behavior and is not considered a behavioral health condition. Practices need to identify behavioral health-related criteria pertinent to their specific patient population, which could include other (non-tobacco-related) substance use treatment, a behavioral health diagnosis, a positive screening result from a standardized behavioral health screener or psychiatric hospitalizations.
PCMH 2017
The practice should set its own goal for continuity of patient visits with their selected primary care provider or care team and then monitor that percentage to evaluate its performance. The practice should set goals such as by percentage, number of visits, etc. for the frequency patients should be seeing their selected provider and then monitor to see how frequent they are meeting their goal. The practice should provide its report including the rate of visits for patients with their provider including the goal established.
PCMH 2017