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8.15.2024 Retroactive Changes to System Controls Standards NCQA posted a memo with changes to the NCQA Accreditation Standards for the 2024 and 2025 Standards Years indicating that organizations are no longer required to describe their process for system controls monitoring or their auditing methodology in their policies and procedures (e.g., UM 12, Element A, factor 7 in HPA is scored NA). Does this mean organizations are no longer required to monitor their UM and CR system controls as required in the oversight elements (e.g., UM 12, Element B in HPA)?

No. Organizations are still required to monitor for system controls. The NA for the system controls policies and procedures requirement (e.g., UM 12, Element A, factor 7, in Health Plan Accreditation) does not affect an organization’s ability to meet the corresponding system controls monitoring requirement (e.g., UM 12, Element B in Health Plan Accreditation); it means the organization is not required to describe the monitoring process in its policies and procedures, but must monitor that its systems are protecting data from unauthorized modifications. Also, as noted in “Related information” in the monitoring requirements (e.g., UM 12, Element B in Health Plan Accreditation), NCQA only reviews specific components for monitoring (e.g., for UM, NCQA reviews that the organization monitored receipt and notification dates).

Note: The referenced memo is on the NCQA website at It applies to the 2024/2025 standards year only; no exceptions (NA scores or other changes) will be made for the 2023 or prior standards years. Surveys conducted on standards prior to 2024 standards will be reviewed and scored accordingly; any corrective actions issued prior to the 2024 standards still apply

UM_CR 2024